
Cracking the UPSC CSE Interview: Dos and Don’ts for Aspirants

The UPSC Civil Services Exam (CSE) is a highly competitive exam, with the interview stage holding immense weight in the final selection process. Having cleared the Prelims and Mains, securing a coveted position in the civil service depends heavily on your performance in the personality test (interview).

This interview, unlike written exams, assesses your suitability for a career in civil service. It goes beyond your academic knowledge to evaluate your personality, decision-making skills, leadership potential, and emotional intelligence. Here, knowing what to do (and what not to do) becomes crucial.


  • Know Your DAF Inside Out:

    The Detailed Application Form (DAF) forms the basis for many interview questions. Thoroughly understand your academic background, hobbies, work experience (if any), and choices filled in the DAF. Be prepared to elaborate on these aspects and how they connect to your desire to serve in the civil service.

  • Stay Updated on Current Affairs:

    A significant portion of the interview will revolve around current events, national and international issues, and government policies. Regularly read newspapers, watch informative news channels, and analyze current affairs critically. This demonstrates your awareness, analytical skills, and ability to form informed opinions.

  • Develop Well-Rounded Opinions:

    Don’t be afraid to express your opinions during the interview. However, ensure your viewpoints are well-informed, balanced, and backed by logical arguments. Showcasing the ability to think critically and present different perspectives will impress the board.

  • Prepare for Situational Judgement Tests (SJTs):

    The UPSC interview might incorporate SJTs to assess your problem-solving skills and decision-making abilities in simulated scenarios. Familiarize yourself with common SJT formats and practice providing well-structured, logical responses that demonstrate ethical decision-making.

  • Practice Mock Interviews:

    Participating in mock interviews with experienced mentors or coaching institutes is invaluable. It allows you to practice expressing yourself clearly, receive constructive feedback on communication skills and body language, and become comfortable with the interview format.

  • Dress Professionally:

    First impressions matter. Dress in formal attire that is clean, ironed, and appropriate for the occasion. Project a professional demeanor through your appearance.

  • Maintain Positive Body Language:

    This includes good eye contact, an erect posture, and controlled gestures. Avoid fidgeting or slouching, as these can portray nervousness or disinterest. Project confidence, sincerity, and attentiveness through your body language.

  • Be Honest and Authentic:

    The interview is an opportunity to showcase your true self. Don’t try to fabricate stories or pretend to be someone you’re not. The board can easily detect inauthenticity. Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses, and demonstrate a willingness to learn and grow.

  • Show Enthusiasm and Passion:

    Convey your genuine interest in serving the nation and your desire to contribute to society as a civil servant. Your passion and commitment will shine through and leave a positive impression on the board.


  • Fake Confidence:

    While confidence is key, it should be genuine. Overconfidence or arrogance can be off-putting for the interviewers.

  • Be Negative or Critical:

    Avoid excessive criticism of the government or policies. Present your opinions constructively and offer potential solutions if applicable.

  • Lack Enthusiasm:

    Showcasing a lack of motivation or interest in the civil service will negatively impact the interviewers’ perception.

  • Get Flustered:

    It’s okay not to know the answer to every question. If you don’t know something, politely acknowledge it and express your willingness to learn more. Don’t get flustered or panic.

  • Speak Negatively About Others:

    Avoid criticizing individuals, organizations, or fellow candidates during your interview. Maintain a professional and respectful demeanor throughout.

  • Boast About Achievements:

    While highlighting your achievements is acceptable, it shouldn’t turn into self-promotion. Focus on how your experiences have equipped you for a career in civil service.

  • Be Passive or Hesitant:

    The interview is your opportunity to showcase your abilities. Don’t be afraid to participate actively in the discussion, ask questions to clarify doubts, and confidently express your viewpoints.

  • Interrupt or Talk Over the Interviewers:

    Maintain respectful communication. Listen attentively to the questions asked, and wait for the interviewer to finish speaking before responding.

  • Make Excuses or Blame Others:

    Take ownership of your experiences and decisions. Avoid making excuses or blaming others for past shortcomings.


The UPSC CSE interview is a crucial stage in your journey towards becoming a civil servant. By following these dos and don’ts, you can effectively prepare for the interview and present yourself as a well-rounded, confident, and capable candidate. Remember, the board is looking for individuals with the potential to excel in civil service. Hone your knowledge, communication skills, and personality to showcase your suitability for the role. Remain calm, confident, and authentic throughout the interview process. With the right preparation and approach, you can crack the UPSC CSE interview and embark on a rewarding career serving the nation.

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